Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jetlag + Alarm = Crazy Angie

Earlier this year, I managed to win 2 return air tickets to Paris! This is on the budget airline AirAsia, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Orly in Paris. So on 7th April 2011, we went to Paris. It was a 14 hour flight which took off at 9:00am Malaysian time and landed in Paris at 4:40pm Paris time. In order to make it for my 9:00am flight, I had to set my alarm for 5:15am after having slept at 2:00am. 

Those who know me will know that I am a light sleeper. The slightest noise or movement will wake me up. Which meant, I didn't get any sleep on the plane at all. After 14 hours of flying, and another 1 hour of battling public transport in Paris, we finally arrived at our hotel. Dr. B said, "Don't go to bed"! To conquer jetlag, one has to stay up as late as possible, at least wait till 8:00pm.

So the zombiefied me started wandering around Paris. We did not trust our senses to take the metro again knowing we'd get lost when we're half asleep. We walked here and there, bought some snacks along the way to munch, and lo and behold, we arrived here!

If any of you saw 2 jokers wearing shorts in freezing weather, wandering around like zombies below the Eiffel Tower on April 7th, that's us! Somehow, we finally made it back to our hotel at 10pm and went to bed at 10:30pm, after having stayed awake for 23 hours! Thanks to Dr. B's advice again, he told us to use 2 Sleep Chips, place one on each temple just before going to bed. He says it will help us sleep for a good 8 hours.

We had a really good sleep that night. Looks like Dr. B's advice was working after all. It was the kind of sleep where you have no dreams, and you don't remember dreaming about anything once you've woken up. But Dr. B didn't count on one thing though - that I have a crazy alarm clock!

This is my Samsung Galaxy S. If any of you own this, you will know that there's something seriously wrong with the alarm clock function. I set it for 5:15am the previous day, and remembered to switch to the correct time zone and turned off the alarm. SO WHY ON EARTH DID IT RING THAT MORNING?? ARGHHHHHHHH!

Since we were awake anyway, we still felt refreshed after a good night's rest. And went out early to enjoy the wonderful morning bread smells of Paris. So Thank You to Dr. B for his sound advice and these Rest Quiet Chips.

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